Mentee to Mentor
As a member of Women in Racing I have been both a mentee and a mentor and found both experiences enormously helpful as part of my ongoing professional development.
As a mentee I had the support of Dena Arstall, a professional life coach, who was able to provide some unique insights in how to get on in the corporate side of horseracing, while supporting me as I changed jobs within the sport and considered what I wanted for my career in the long term for the first time. The clarity of thought a mentor can bring is enlightening and you really don’t realise how helpful it is until you’ve agreed your next goal and have time to reflect….. before pressing on!
I have also been a mentor to several people in racing, including via Women in Racing. It is a great opportunity to make interesting new contacts and share thoughts, feelings and experiences. It is as rewarding to be able to offer some support and advice as it is to receive it. As a female network Women in Racing is there to support all its members and the mentoring scheme, the only one of its kind in the sport, is central to this. I would recommend it to everyone.
Susannah Gill